Posts Tagged ‘closures’

Generics are at once the most welcome, easy to understand and most perplexing feature added to Java since… well ever! I couldn’t imagine life without them, but like anything in type theory they are at times confoundingly opaque. Here are some all-too-common misconceptions about Java Generics and Generic types in general: Set<Child> is a subtype […]

CICE is a proposal by Doug Lea, Josh Bloch and ‘Crazy’ Bob Lee. It is being touted as a “closures” proposal for Java 7 alongside Neal Gafter’s BGGA (for instance). Here are some thoughts I had after reading their document: So basically, CICE is syntactic sugar for anonymous classes. In Guice parlance, the following: bind(Service.class).toProvider(new Provider<Service>() { public Service get() […]